
Qui êtes-vous ?

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First of all, i'm an otaku. I am called a geek too because i love programming (wanna be a game programmer). And i'm also a semi goth and semi metalhead, always rock !! That makes me an otageek metalheads, goth on the mood !! Weird isn't it ? Well that's who i am and i'm pretty proud of that !


International SaiMoe League 2K11

The ISML 2011 has begun !! Don't forget to vote for you favorite characters until the Tiara is given this winter !!! 
 For those who don't know the ISML, it is an international competition that elects the most moe character each year!  

Here is the ISML website, FIGHT!!

Who do you think will be the winner this year ? I hope it will be Mio Isurugi or Victorique de Blois ^__^

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